Students who reside in the London District Catholic School Board boundaries and are enrolled in the Catholic Secondary School within their designated attendance area are eligible for transportation provided they reside more than 3.2 km (2.0 miles) from the school.
- Students who reside in a city, town or village may be required to walk a distance of up to 1.6 km (1.0 mile) within the limits of the municipality in order to access their school bus.
- Students who reside outside city, town or village limits may be required to walk a distance of up to 0.8 km (.5 mile) in order to access their bus.
- If any pick-up point is hazardous, students may be required to walk up to 1.6 km (1.0 mile) in order to access their bus.
- Co-op students will be required to provide their own transportation.
All students MUST show a current St. Joseph’s student photo I.D. card whenever requested by the bus driver.
- Bus Lines: (519) 451-4440
- First Student (519) 633-9707
- Langs 1-800-265-7020
Failure to comply with the regulations for riding the bus may result in temporary or permanent loss of transportation privileges.
Conduct On The School Bus
Riding the school bus to and from school is a privilege and should be treated as such. For insurance and liability reasons, you may only ride your designated bus. While on the bus, students must:
- remain seated at all times,
- not interrupt or distract the bus driver,
- refrain from any yelling or use of profanity,
- keep windows closed, and heads and arms inside the bus,
- obey all directions given by the school bus driver,
- not touch the emergency exits.
Students may use the western half of the north parking lot of the school to park. All vehicles are to be parked in designated parking spots and in an orderly manner. Parking is forbidden to students in the following areas:
- At the ends of the aisles nearest the school. This is a fire lane.
- Close to the school in the designated Handicap parking spots and in the drop-off circle.
- In the south parking lot (in circle at the front of the school).
- In the new west parking lot adjacent to the new addition of the school
The school supports those students who require the use of vehicles for work, cooperative education or to meet family responsibilities. If however, the presence of a vehicle on the property causes a disruption to classroom performance or is a safety risk, parking privileges may be revoked.