Academic Policies
Preparation For Class
Students are expected to be prepared for each class and to have notebooks, textbooks, and materials that teachers have deemed necessary for their classes. Students are further expected to have any assigned homework complete, to hand in assignments on due dates and to be prepared for tests and examinations. If you frequently come to class late, without the materials you need and are sent to get them, you may be directed to make up time during lunch. Home contact will be made by the teacher.
Plagiarism occurs when someone claims the work of another person to be their own in writing or the presentation of material. This can take the form of flagrant copying from a book or computer-based source or the failure of a writer to recognize the source of works cited in a piece of technical writing like an essay. Should plagiarism occur, the assignment will not be accepted by the teacher and the work may have to be redone and re-submitted to demonstrate achievement of the curriculum expectations. This policy is in accordance with the Assessment and Evaluation for Secondary Schools, London District Catholic School Board.
Final Examinations And Reporting Of Student Achievement
Final examinations are held at the end of each semester in January and June and represent a final opportunity for students to demonstrate their understanding in a course. Examinations are scheduled for most classes at St. Joseph’s Catholic High School and make up an important part of the final mark that is given to a student. It is essential that students make proper preparation and are available to write exams when scheduled on the exam days. The exam period is part of the school year and exam days are considered to be regular school days. Students and families should not schedule trips or work activities during exam days and should dedicate themselves to this important academic activity.
Students who are sick during the exam days must have their parents phone the school to report the absence. Students who miss an exam without a valid reason will receive no credit for the missed exam.
In the event of bad weather, students and parents should listen to local radio for information relating to cancellation of exams.
Report cards that are issued during the school year are sent home with students. Semester 2 final report cards will be mailed out in the second week of July.